The Crabby Shack
Sleeping Porch
The Sleeping Porch is without a doubt the most favored room in the house. It is a room of fantasy and tradition, open to the summer breeze and sound of water. The concept of hanging beds is a traditional one, and they were rush ordered without hesitation. When they arrived, however, several days before the family's arrival, it became apparent that the roof structure was not sufficient to support them! A decision was quickly made to add additional rafters and cross bracing to the roof framing, making this room the last to be completed. The ceiling is painted with a translucent stain to echo the barn wood finish on the beds and the limed ceilings on the interior of the house.
The Sleeping Porch is without a doubt the most favored room in the house. It is a room of fantasy and tradition, open to the summer breeze and sound of water. The concept of hanging beds is a traditional one, and they were rush ordered without hesitation. When they arrived, however, several days before the family's arrival, it became apparent that the roof structure was not sufficient to support them! A decision was quickly made to add additional rafters and cross bracing to the roof framing, making this room the last to be completed. The ceiling is painted with a translucent stain to echo the barn wood finish on the beds and the limed ceilings on the interior of the house.